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Ancient Greek Tragedies

Ancient Greek Authors and Playwrites.

  • Choerilus (~524 BCE)
  • Aeschylus (c. 525–456 BCE):
    • The Persians (472 BCE)
    • Seven Against Thebes (467 BCE)
    • The Suppliants (463 BCE)
    • The Oresteia (458 BCE, a trilogy comprising AgamemnonThe Libation Bearers and The Eumenides.)
    • Prometheus Bound (authorship and date of performance is still in dispute)
  • Phrynichus (~511 BCE):
    • The Fall of Miletus (c. 511 BCE)
    • Phoenissae (c. 476 BCE)
    • Danaides
    • Actaeon
    • Alcestis
    • Tantalus
  • Achaeus of Eretria (484-c. 405 BCE)
    • Adrastus
    • Linus
    • Cycnus
    • Eumenides
    • Philoctetes
    • Pirithous
    • Theseus
    • Œdipus
  • Achaeus of Syracuse (c. 356 BCE)
  • Agathon (c. 448–400 BCE)
  • Aphareus (4th century BCE)
    • Asklepios**
    • Akhilleus**
    • Tantalos**
  • Sophocles (c. 495-406 BCE):
    • Theban plays, or Oedipus cycle:
      • Antigone (c. 442 BCE)
      • Oedipus the King (c. 429 BCE)
      • Oedipus at Colonus (401 BCE, posthumous)
    • Ajax (unknown, presumed earlier in career)
    • The Trachiniae (unknown)
    • Electra (unknown, presumed later in career)
    • Philoctetes (409 BCE)
  • Euripides (c. 480–406 BCE):
    • Alcestis (438 BCE)
    • Medea (431 BCE)
    • The Heracleidae (Herakles Children) (c. 429 BCE)
    • Hippolytus (428 BCE)
    • Electra (c. 420 BCE)
    • Sisyphos (415 BCE)
    • Andromache (428-24 BCE)
    • The Suppliants (422 BCE)
    • Hecuba (424 BCE)
    • Herakles (421-416 BCE)
    • The Trojan Women (Troades) (415 BCE)
    • Ion (414-412 BCE)
    • Iphigenia in Tauris (414-412 BCE)
    • Helen (412 BCE)
    • The Phoenician Women (The Phoinissae) (411-409 BCE)
    • Iphigenia At Aulis (Iphigenia ad Aulis) (410 BCE)
    • Orestes (408 BCE)
    • The Cyclops (c. 408 BCE)
    • The Bacchae (405 BCE, posthumous)
    • Rhesus (unknown)
  • Euphorion (5th century BCE); possibly the author of Prometheus Bound, which is often attributed to his father Aeschylus
  • "Phaesus" (411-321 BCE)

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